strength Train express:
Week Six
What do you do next week?
Training programs focusing on fat loss and muscle build usually stay the same for 6-8 weeks. Why? You want to give your body enough time to master the movements while also building confidence to make small tweaks and changes to promote progressive overload.
Use this 3 day sample as your building block and over the next 6 weeks, pick one of the below variables to manipulate an exercise.
Shoot us a message at and let us know what you think!
Don't give up on an exercise just because it feels hard, awkward, or you just don't like it. Rather than focusing on your limitations and skipping to the next exercise, slow it down...breathe...and build intention to dominate those challenging moves!
When you're given a rep range, the goal is NOT to immediately complete 12 reps. When you're working with a challenging weight, you SHOULD only be able to complete minimum reps with good form. As you get stronger, you'll work way up to max reps for 1-2 weeks before you move onto the next step!
A good rule of thumb when you're ready to progressively overload is to increase upper body by 2.5-5 lb while increasing lower body by 5-10 lb. Don't worry if you can't complete all sets at the higher weight. Do as many as you can before reducing the weight back down.
Most of our exercise demos will have 2 options for you to choose from. If you've mastered the modification, step on up and advance the movement! Try split stance exercises, alternating arms, single leg movements, COMBO movements... Continue to challenge the way you move to bullet proof your body!
2 seconds to lower, 1 second to hold, & 2 seconds to lift. This is a common speed for weightlifting to improve strength and stability.
To focus more on power and boost your heart rate, set a 20 minute timer to complete an AMRAP (as many rounds or sets as possible).
You'd be surprised how new an exercise can feel by simply using a different piece of equipment. Using dumbbells? Try a kettlebell, bodyweight, or TRX Suspension Trainer! Build your toolbox and your exercises will never get boring!
We want EVOLVE to feel like home.
Whether you’re an athlete, an enthusiast, or if you’ve never picked up a weight in your life; EVOLVE should feel like coming home.
We’re here to celebrate your wins as we LOVE a good dance party.
We want to help you power through your losses as we have those too.
And we’re committed to helping you grow regardless of any obstacles you face. Not just in the gym, but as human beings trying to live happy, conscious, and empowered lives.
Whether you’re an athlete, an enthusiast, or if you’ve never picked up a weight in your life; EVOLVE should feel like coming home.
We’re here to celebrate your wins as we LOVE a good dance party. We want to help you power through your losses as we have those too.
And we’re committed to helping you grow regardless of any obstacles you face. Not just in the gym, but as human beings trying to live happy, conscious, and empowered lives.
Stepping into the gym or getting started with your first class can be scary! We get it!
Private training helps to break down that barrier. Within your first INTRO 5 Private Pack, we take the time to teach you the basics in traditional strength training, and provide ample time for any questions you need answers to. There’s no rush to push it into full gear.
Have a goal to lose weight?
Want to work your way into group classes?
Need help establishing a fitness routine that works for your lifestyle?
Click here to book your complimentary Breakthrough Call!